
Know Your Audience

By Sue Voyles / November 11, 2019 / ,

Whether it’s reaching prospects with your sales and marketing messages, communicating with customers or vendors, creating a communications plan, or targeting the media with your press releases, knowing your audience matters.

Asking some questions upfront will help you do a better job of reaching the right audience with your message.

  • Who do we want to reach? It may be customers, prospects, community leaders, influencers, employees, trade media, vendors or any combination of them.
  • What does this audience look like? This question is often answered by demographic information: where they live, age, gender, education level and interests (such as sports, politics, home improvement, etc.).
  • How do they like to receive information? Some people want information electronically, some individuals would like a telephone call, others like in-person contact, and still others prefer written information.
  • Which channels are available to relay your message? In today’s information-laden world, people find information in many ways, including email, websites, social media, magazines, newspapers, podcasts, broadcast such as TV and radio, and more. Very often, people use a combination of channels to obtain information.

Bottom line, before any message is created, ask yourself first who the audience is. Asking this question will save you time, money and resources.

– Sue Voyles