
Protect Your Business Reputation with Crisis Communications Planning

By Sue Voyles / February 8, 2016 / ,

An employee who was fired for embezzlement starts circulating emails that inform people you are about to go out of business. A contractor is using your company email to send out solicitations to people to visit a fundraising campaign she has created. You are selling your business to a long-time, trusted employee and want to assure your customers that everything remains in good hands – should you set up a blog?

In today’s business environment, where email spreads faster than a bad cold and blogs are the order of the day, every business should have a plan for communicating during a transition or crisis.

Whether it’s embezzlement, workplace accident, natural disaster, lawsuit or layoffs, every business owner should be prepared to communicate to both internal and external audiences. These audiences include employees, vendors, customers, business allies and the media.

Here are some tips for creating a communications plan that will guide you during those times of transition or crisis.


1. Designate a spokesperson.
2. Speak to employees first and be frank. Put safety and people issues first.
3. Never lie, cover up or say “no comment.” Give the facts as you know them.
4. Be timely in responding to inquiries.

Create your communications plan, communicate it to employees and make sure they understand it. Remember, during any transition or crisis, your company’s hard-earned reputation is at stake. Take steps now to protect your reputation.

By Sue Voyles