Meet the expert

Joseph Lawrence
Joseph brings more than 20 years of international PR/communications experience, and another 10 years of major market daily newspaper and broadcast journalism background to the Logos Communications team. Joe was most recently manager of communications at General Motors Corp. and was responsible for media relations, internal communications, government/community relations and communications strategy development. Joe has worked as a business-financial editor and writer for newspapers and radio stations in New York, Pittsburgh and Cleveland. He has a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Northwood University.
"I’m a former newspaper and broadcast journalist on the business-financial beat, and have also worked in corporate and agency communications in a wide variety of business sectors, including automotive engineering and manufacturing (with various North American and European in-country postings), the recreational marine industry, restaurant/hospitality, and fashion retailing. Working with a diverse and wildly-interesting group of Logos clients fuels and inspires my interests in cooking, travel, and enjoying the great outdoors."