
Do you need Public Relations (PR) right now?

When does a company need to turn to public relations (PR) to get its message out? That is one of the fundamental questions facing business leaders nearly every day. The challenge of making your company known, selling a product or service or idea and clearly stating who you are and what you stand for is a complex one. This requires a willingness to share stuff about yourself that you may not think necessary; it demands a thoughtful review of where you are as a company and what you might have to tell people; and it really calls into the whole

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The Power of a Smile

“Your best networking tool is a smile. Don’t underestimate its power when meeting people.” This was my quote selected by the Woman’s Advantage Shared Wisdom

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Giving Feedback

“Feedback is a gift.” It’s a quote attributed to Jim Trinka and Les Wallace, but it rings true in the world of business. If you’re

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Showing Up

Years ago, a business owner who was a fellow member of NAWBO (National Association of Women Business Owners), said to me, “You are everywhere your

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