effective communications

Do you need Public Relations (PR) right now?

When does a company need to turn to public relations (PR) to get its message out? That is one of the fundamental questions facing business leaders nearly every day. The challenge of making your company known, selling a product or service or idea and clearly stating who you are and what you stand for is…

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How being transparent is an essential PR ideal

There’s a lot of talk these days about being transparent in our culture, in our connections with one another, and especially in the actions and decisions of local or regional politics and government. As a free and open society, we all understand the value of knowing what’s going on at every level of, say, a state…

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Terms of endearment: Public relations nomenclatural

Like any business or industry that has been around a long time, the world of public relations is often defined – both for good and bad – by its terms and phrases. As we near the holiday season, when so many thoughts and messages are bombarding us and demanding our attention, I thought it might…

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Don’t kid yourself – Public Relations is all about conflict

Offense. Defense. Struggle. Victory. Defeat. These are terms we think about when we think about any conflict, no matter how high or low the stakes. But these things can also be at the heart of public relations (PR). It’s not overstating things to say PR can be a battle. Just look at the headlines every…

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Personal branding is really just good storytelling

Everyone has a story. And being able to tell that story in an engaging way is the foundation of what public relations (PR) is all about. This notion is a key part of our story at Logos Communications. We help our clients tell their stories to potential clients, media, and more. But what makes a…

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Team communications: an important part of PR

When most people think of public relations (PR), they see it as a tool for companies seeking to get in the newspaper or on television. While that can the priority for many PR efforts, business owners can also utilize PR to benefit their companies and their various stakeholders. Looking past the traditional constraints of PR…

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Writer’s block doesn’t have to be a stumbling block

Writing is one of the most important skills needed by professionals, business owners and anyone wanting to pursue a communications or public relations (PR) career. It takes time, patience, focus and a high level of skill to organize, develop and prepare a thoughtful message, no matter the specific writing task involved. But what happens when…

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Why professional peer groups really matter

Being a part of an professional group is critically important in these days of intense competition for time, talent, resources and money throughout all industries. Business leaders lead best when they are out front and stay focused on being informed, growing their company and ensuring they are well recognized. An excellent way to lead in…

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Why communications training is essential

We live in a world of constant change. Staying abreast of what is happening in our industries and communities is very important, especially when we think about the kinds of knowledge and the types of skills we need to succeed in life. Training is a critical part of staying up-to-date in any field, from technology…

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Developing a professional profile that works

While having a good resume is still important, even more important these days is a good personal and professional profile. These are used for our social media channels liked LinkedIn, on a website and for sharing your story in a networking setting. Being able to succinctly explain who you are when meeting new people, whether…

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