social media

Do you need Public Relations (PR) right now?

When does a company need to turn to public relations (PR) to get its message out? That is one of the fundamental questions facing business leaders nearly every day. The challenge of making your company known, selling a product or service or idea and clearly stating who you are and what you stand for is…

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Don’t kid yourself – Public Relations is all about conflict

Offense. Defense. Struggle. Victory. Defeat. These are terms we think about when we think about any conflict, no matter how high or low the stakes. But these things can also be at the heart of public relations (PR). It’s not overstating things to say PR can be a battle. Just look at the headlines every…

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Personal branding is really just good storytelling

Everyone has a story. And being able to tell that story in an engaging way is the foundation of what public relations (PR) is all about. This notion is a key part of our story at Logos Communications. We help our clients tell their stories to potential clients, media, and more. But what makes a…

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Developing a professional profile that works

While having a good resume is still important, even more important these days is a good personal and professional profile. These are used for our social media channels liked LinkedIn, on a website and for sharing your story in a networking setting. Being able to succinctly explain who you are when meeting new people, whether…

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What stats tell us about content’s ins and outs

Were you ever told that just because so many people were doing something, that didn’t mean you had to? Well, when it comes to content marketing, there’s real evidence that perhaps we should be doing just that. An article late last year in the Search Engine Journal makes a case for content marketing by reviewing…

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Why you need a good media kit

Even in this age of virtual connections, snappy social posts, and loads of visual and audio marketing through videos and podcasts, there is still a real need for business owners to invest in developing a media kit. Sometimes referred to as a press kit, a thoroughly prepared media kit will assist your company in its…

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What is legacy media?

People often wonder when they hear terms like “legacy media” or “mass media.” Sometimes the phrase is “mainstream media,” or some even call it “old media.” All of these word choices are appropriate when talking about what many consider the heart of the “information age.” This age began in the early 20th century with the…

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What are the 3 major forms of Digital Marketing?

Marketing a company can be a daunting task if you are trying to do it yourself, or even if you get assistance from a PR firm like Logos Communications. There is so much information available about what to do, how to do it and what “channels” to use that it can be overwhelming. To help…

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How to be a good blog writer

People ask all the time, “What does it take to write a good blog, one that is worth reading?” The answer is simple: be a good writer. Sure, you could depend on one of those AI programs to write the blog for you. Or you could consider what it takes to put together a meaningful…

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PR trends for 2022 and beyond

A lot of people in our industry are focused on understanding what key trends are shaping public relations (PR) this year and going forward. Many talk about the growth of social media, video and podcasts, or the value of being focused on community awareness or things like diversity, inclusion and equity. Some talk about the…

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