public relations

Do you need Public Relations (PR) right now?

When does a company need to turn to public relations (PR) to get its message out? That is one of the fundamental questions facing business leaders nearly every day. The challenge of making your company known, selling a product or service or idea and clearly stating who you are and what you stand for is…

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How being transparent is an essential PR ideal

There’s a lot of talk these days about being transparent in our culture, in our connections with one another, and especially in the actions and decisions of local or regional politics and government. As a free and open society, we all understand the value of knowing what’s going on at every level of, say, a state…

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Terms of endearment: Public relations nomenclatural

Like any business or industry that has been around a long time, the world of public relations is often defined – both for good and bad – by its terms and phrases. As we near the holiday season, when so many thoughts and messages are bombarding us and demanding our attention, I thought it might…

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Don’t kid yourself – Public Relations is all about conflict

Offense. Defense. Struggle. Victory. Defeat. These are terms we think about when we think about any conflict, no matter how high or low the stakes. But these things can also be at the heart of public relations (PR). It’s not overstating things to say PR can be a battle. Just look at the headlines every…

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Team communications: an important part of PR

When most people think of public relations (PR), they see it as a tool for companies seeking to get in the newspaper or on television. While that can the priority for many PR efforts, business owners can also utilize PR to benefit their companies and their various stakeholders. Looking past the traditional constraints of PR…

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What stats tell us about content’s ins and outs

Were you ever told that just because so many people were doing something, that didn’t mean you had to? Well, when it comes to content marketing, there’s real evidence that perhaps we should be doing just that. An article late last year in the Search Engine Journal makes a case for content marketing by reviewing…

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Understanding storytelling in PR

There many ideas to consider when using public relations (PR) to showcase your brand or company’s services and products. We have talked before about the various tools available to business owners who seek help with PR, as well as explained the nature of PR itself. In this blog, we’re going to focus on a key…

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What is public relations marketing?

Marketing and public relations (PR) are tightly linked, and while marketing is defined as any form of activity that helps promote and sell products or services, PR is the delicate relationship between the public and your company. The two forms of communication are essential to any business being successful. Another simple way to look at…

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Embracing the virtual networking era

Learning new ways to sell and develop new strategic relationships in a virtual era has been a challenge for many business owners and sales leaders. It has also changed the marketing world. First and foremost, the whole idea of networking has been turned on its head. No doubt you have heard it said in your own…

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Importance of PR during the busy holiday season

Some may see the holiday season as a time to relax their publicity efforts, but there are plenty of good reasons to ramp up your PR (public relations) during this busy time, one often full of stress but also potential reward. In fact, I would argue that doing just that is the only logical approach…

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